I recently received an email from a friend in Doodlebug’s travel group. It was just a “Hi. How are you doing?” message, but near the end she shared the URL for a documentary of which some of you may have heard, "The Dying Rooms". I had heard of it but I had never actually seen it until a few nights ago. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day and watch this. Then, say a special prayer for the precious children in China who still need families. I promise you, the images won’t soon be forgotten. I just pray that God will remind me of this documentary the next time I get frustrated or want to complain about the “kids being kids.”
Words can’t even describe how thankful I am that Desheng Darling and Doodlebug are with our family and not being raised where they spent the early years of their lives. I know that there may be some controversy about the accuracy of this documentary, but the pictures are proof enough for me.
Now, get a tissue and go to this site. Then, say a special prayer and go hug your kids.
Now, get a tissue and go to this site. Then, say a special prayer and go hug your kids.