I recently received an email from a friend in Doodlebug’s travel group. It was just a “Hi. How are you doing?” message, but near the end she shared the URL for a documentary of which some of you may have heard, "The Dying Rooms". I had heard of it but I had never actually seen it until a few nights ago. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day and watch this. Then, say a special prayer for the precious children in China who still need families. I promise you, the images won’t soon be forgotten. I just pray that God will remind me of this documentary the next time I get frustrated or want to complain about the “kids being kids.”
Words can’t even describe how thankful I am that Desheng Darling and Doodlebug are with our family and not being raised where they spent the early years of their lives. I know that there may be some controversy about the accuracy of this documentary, but the pictures are proof enough for me.
Now, get a tissue and go to this site. Then, say a special prayer and go hug your kids.
Now, get a tissue and go to this site. Then, say a special prayer and go hug your kids.
I cried through out the clip, what an awful life. My heart just broke.Here in the US we treat our pets better than that!! It was so hard to hear how many girl babies there were a year and how many "just died" (or were killed)I wanted to take everyone of them home with me. I am so thankful you saved two of them. Please give them a big hug and kiss for me. Can't wait to see you Sat. Hugs and Kisses await you (and maybe some M&Ms) Love all of you, Aunt Sherry
I have not had a chance to watch it yet. D.S. has the computer most of the time taking his online classes, or S.G. is nearby. I plan on looking at it tonight after S.G. goes to bed. Ugh...
What a horrible example of child abuse! It just proves that if we push our feelings in the background long enough, we soon have no compassion at all. How else could these women work in these places without taking their own lives? May God have mercy on them. Love, Aunt Muh
Well said Mama Darling. I've watched it and found myself filled with so many emotions that I felt in a stupor for hours. You never recover once you know the horror of such deprivation. Praise the Lord for our dd's and for having the means to change their lives. The most awesome thing (I think) is the fact that what we have given to them, pales in comparison to the joy they bring to us. God is SO good isn't he?
Well, I was finally able to watch it all the way through. My heart broke. All of the little ones were hard to look at, but the one at the end? I just don't know how a group of people can just have no compassion at all.
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