Every year my sister makes a special pair of Christmas overalls for the girls. I am amazed at her talent! I think they just get cuter every year! The pictures really don't do them justice. DD and DB wore them today to visit Santa with their play group. You may have to enlarge the pictures to see the detail work.
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Define GOOD...
Actually, I think these girls could have asked for “anything.” How could Santa say “no?” They are so cute. I just wish Doodlebug could have been in the picture. She wouldn't go near Santa, but she managed to get a sucker anyway.
Greatly anticipating the gifts that Santa will bring on Christmas Eve !
That sure was fun today. The girls looked so cute in their overalls. You really do have to see them in person!!
I love those overalls. Esp the "Santa, I can explain."
Aunt Sherry has a good eye for what looks good on those overalls. They look cute as can be, as usual. Mommy does a good job of decking them out. Aunt Muh
Oh those overalls are too cute! Your sister is very talented. The girls are precious.
Max saw Santa today too! He ran right up to him, gave him a huge hug, and sat right on his lap for a perfect picture!! I was amazed!!! Love the overalls :-)
Chelsie and Max
Hey Mama Darling! I'm finally catching up on a bit of blog visiting. It sure was fun catching up with you girls! I hope that y'all are feeling better.
Kelley and the Glamour Girls
How sweet those overalls are and what fun they must be for the girls to wear! They are a work of art, I'd say IMHO. Could you tell us again when DD birthday is? Since we are invited to the party we don't want to miss sending a card. Missing you all!
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