As usual, DB has managed to spread her birthday celebration out over several days. Her actual birthday was on Friday, July 30th.
The celebration started with a trip to the donut store.
DB picked a pink donut with sprinkles on top and the clerk added a few extra donut holes just because it was her b-day! To top off the b-day breakfast, DD gave Doodlebug the ballerina Barbie that she had been wanting for some time.
Doodlebug even got a special gift from her hibiscus plant..TWO blooms in one day. Up until this day the plant has only yielded one flower at a time. She’s convinced her birthday made the difference.
On Saturday we enjoyed b-day cake with Ms. Billie and Sandra. Since DB had asked for an ice skating party, I looked everywhere for ice skating birthday party decorations…They just don’t exist in our area in the middle of the summer. (Imagine that!) I was, however, able to find a 1998 Olympic Ice Skating Barbie on Amazon. It had never been taken out of the box. I used it on top of the cake…not exactly what I was planning, but Doodlebug was happy with it, so "mission accomplished."
DB has invited one little guest to go ice skating on Sunday afternoon. We will pick up a cookie cake from American Cookie Co. and celebrate again at the ice rink which is right next to a carousel that Doodlebug absolutely LOVES. It should be a lot of fun!