There just nothing quite like a mom. No matter how old you get… She’s still the one you want to tell when something wonderful happens in your life and she’s the one you still call when you’re not feeling well or you just need an extra shoulder. And isn’t it funny how you still think she should have all of the answers or at least a suggestion? I’m so thankful that I still have my mom and that I was able to spend Mother’s Day with her. I love you, Mom.
And I also LOVE being a mom. I feel that I have been blessed beyond words with 4 children and a wonderful husband! I am so thankful Daddy D said “yes” to our late-in-life adoptions and that he has been willing to make great sacrifices to allow me to be a stay-at-home mom. I love you, Daddy D. Desheng Darling said something the other day that really touched my heart. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she said, “I just want to be a Mommy.” I think that’s quite a compliment.
We really missed Brother and Sister Darling at Nanny’s, but we plan to get together for a belated Mother’s Day next weekend. Should be fun!