Doodlebug visited the dentist a few days ago and got a great report! No cavities! Yea!!! She was so excited that it was “her turn” to go. Can you imagine?
She has really been on a teeth-brushing kick since her visit…Ummm, I wonder how long that will last!
We also spent a little time with our play group at Chick-Fil-A. SpicyGirl’s family will be moving very soon and we are REALLY going to miss them. DD and SG have played together for over 3 years and their birthdays are only 3 weeks apart. I am so thankful for the time we’ve had together.
The AWANA Awards Program was Wednesday night. Oh, I wish I had been able to get pictures of this event. It was a hoot! DD was obviously looking for us in the audience when she went up on the stage. As soon as she spotted us, she began to wave! She then yelled out, “Hi Mommy and Daddy!” Not once, but several times. Once she realized that some people were taking pictures, she began to pose, first looking over one shoulder, then the other, followed by a ballet pose of some sort. I don’t really know what she was doing…just wish I had been able to capture it on video. DD received a medal for finishing her book and a special award for …MOST IMPROVED STUDENT. Now, as a former educator MIS was not necessarily the most coveted award… because the student who received it usually needed A LOT of improvement. Since it was the only additional award given, I am just going to accept it as a POSITIVE recognition and leave it at that. I'm afraid to ask exactly what the award was for. Hey, at least she’s improving!
This was also the week for the Girl Power T-Ball pictures. These girls are currently undefeated, although they have no clue what this means. lol
DD and DB always love it when PawPaw comes to visit even if it’s only for a short period of time. He stayed with us last night and we took him to the airport today. We’ll get to see him for a few days when we pick him up next week.
After leaving the airport, we took the girls to the Dragonboat Festival, a traditional Chinese event in our area. I think DD and DB enjoyed the kite exhibition the most. It was quite impressive.
The strong wind, in combination with these pretty umbrellas, almost made the girls an active part of the kite flying exhibit! Poor DB almosted lifted off several times. LOL