She is feeling right at home. Here she is playing in the dog’s food…poor Annie.
I started this post on Labor Day after the girls had gone to bed. Unfortunately, they both woke up around midnight and stayed up until almost 3:00 a.m, so the first and second sentences of this posting are bogus!
I expect that after awhile DD will adjust to sharing her kingdom and everything else. I remember how hard it was to accept Lois when she was born and that was 63 years ago. Time does help. They look so happy together that it is hard to believe that there is a serious problem. Hang in there. Love, Aunt Muh
I'm glad that you are home and had a successful trip. I am looking forward to getting acquainted with my new granddaughter. I 'll have to teach her to hug my neck like I did DD. Don't put DD in the naughty chair too much! It might damage her confidencej! LOL
ohhh! I am so happy that you all are home!I have been checking the blog daily but haven't had much comment time. I hope that things are going great!
So glad to hear that all is going well. I am sure this is such a huge adjustment for DD. I know Mallory will be the same way when we get our daughter. Before you know it, DD and Doodlebug will be best of friends. They are sure precious together. I loved following your journey while you were in China and prayed for you every day.
Love the new photos! Welcome home. So happy for your family.
The Gentile's
Loved the post, especially the ending disclaimer.
Happy Wednesday, praying for y'all to get some sleep.
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